Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rainy days Corrected

Ed worked and I played. Bridge games most of the day in a fundraiser for AAUW. Rain is condusive to snuggling up with a good book. Ed is into the Olympics. I have the book THE CONSTANT GARDNER by LeCarre. Apparently not new since it is now out in paperback. Also it was a movie nominated for an academy award. I am enjoying it although sometimes the British terminology is confusing. English authors always get so detailed in description but midpoint the action is getting a little more emphasis. Right now it appears to focus on corporate greed and domination of another land and culture. How many countries and plots would fit this scenario? Avatar looks more like a future prediction than fantasy sometimes. And the female protagonist gets murdered before her story is told or understood. But then the men struggle to avenge her death and bring the culprits to the guilletine . She apparently was a liberal, progressive determined to improve health care in Africa. Beware Nancy Pelosi! Men like a cause that has a martyr or is this a martyress? By the time the sun shines on Tuesday I should be finished with the sad tale. Did I see rain predicted for Sunday and Monday? Oh woe!

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to say i love ya and am happy you have a blog so i can hear tidbits of your life in st. george
