Monday, February 8, 2010

Mixed or Missed

Pat back home. House seems empty without her. Routines forcing the day. Movie tonight It's Complicated. Yea for that. Read Sutherland Institutes analysis and critic of initiatives on ethics. 27 pages of interpretation. Some issues termed reasonable some unreasonable. Sad memories when legislators could threaten agency closure or cutting off of funds when programs state and federally funded were being monitored "too closely". "Back off or else." "Local Control" But then of course, state is failing to be a watchdog over public funds when abuses are discovered. Unreasonable to stop legislators from threatening or getting directly into the stream of funding and accountability. Can't assume a "quid for quo relationship" on the part of the legislator or local supporters. Influence peddling is considered normal in society. Hmmmmmmmmmm. At least the desert is here and now, changing and beautiful!

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