Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rainy days Corrected

Ed worked and I played. Bridge games most of the day in a fundraiser for AAUW. Rain is condusive to snuggling up with a good book. Ed is into the Olympics. I have the book THE CONSTANT GARDNER by LeCarre. Apparently not new since it is now out in paperback. Also it was a movie nominated for an academy award. I am enjoying it although sometimes the British terminology is confusing. English authors always get so detailed in description but midpoint the action is getting a little more emphasis. Right now it appears to focus on corporate greed and domination of another land and culture. How many countries and plots would fit this scenario? Avatar looks more like a future prediction than fantasy sometimes. And the female protagonist gets murdered before her story is told or understood. But then the men struggle to avenge her death and bring the culprits to the guilletine . She apparently was a liberal, progressive determined to improve health care in Africa. Beware Nancy Pelosi! Men like a cause that has a martyr or is this a martyress? By the time the sun shines on Tuesday I should be finished with the sad tale. Did I see rain predicted for Sunday and Monday? Oh woe!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Testing, 1,2,3

Wine spill disaster! Horrors! Cover with salt or other absorbent material. Do not rub, scrub. Wow who knew? It came out fairly well from hand-woven, cherished Zapotek. Card game went on. Sharon and I won! Sometimes the Gods are generous to those who sin.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bless the Fridays

Need some time out and away but lots to take care of. Oven which blew in power outage apparently can be resurrected. Blessed be the electricians for they help keep food on the table. I am rethinking my emergency equipment as to absence of electricity. Camping equipment? Candles? Time is big element here. We can always eat granola for a week. Good repairman who promises a working oven in 4 days. Not that I bake all that much and there are plenty of takeouts close by. Ed started on taxes with our favorite CPA. He came back with a smile so I guess we don't go to jail this year. Good visit with Lisa Lu to get updated on SLC happenings. I don't know after rethinking with Lisa whether Grandmothers and g-strings are compatible. At least I don't think we would win the gold awards that Penthouse gives out each year. Maybe we should stick to baking contests!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Totally awake and vibrant before 7:00 a.m. Thinking, thinking of computers and what we need to do to understand the Macs in our household. Ed has his thing and I have mine. Neither of us geeks. Amazing the capabilities of the machines, the internet, the new toys, the communication possibilities. Who would have thought the worlds opening up during our lifetime. I need to write the first chapter in the G-String. Communication for Grandmother's flexing their power. I'm committed. Today!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Power failure!

Up and down holiday with the best laid plans going awry! Sixteen friends invited, hors deurves ready to bake and no electricity. I know there are horrible catastrophes in other places on this planet than the minor dilemna in my kitchen. Well thanks to friends and borrowed ovens and a sense of humor no harm done. We probably had too much to eat anyway. Just another first to remember in the book of cooking.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mixed or Missed

Pat back home. House seems empty without her. Routines forcing the day. Movie tonight It's Complicated. Yea for that. Read Sutherland Institutes analysis and critic of initiatives on ethics. 27 pages of interpretation. Some issues termed reasonable some unreasonable. Sad memories when legislators could threaten agency closure or cutting off of funds when programs state and federally funded were being monitored "too closely". "Back off or else." "Local Control" But then of course, state is failing to be a watchdog over public funds when abuses are discovered. Unreasonable to stop legislators from threatening or getting directly into the stream of funding and accountability. Can't assume a "quid for quo relationship" on the part of the legislator or local supporters. Influence peddling is considered normal in society. Hmmmmmmmmmm. At least the desert is here and now, changing and beautiful!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Morning review of groups going on Politics in Paradise, Transparency International, Kleptocrasy and Facebook. No to Chevron Oil and the pollution of the rainforest in Ecuador. Noted on the World Transparency Index that South America is high in signs of corruption. I need to study more Political Science and the various "crasys". I think Buttars would be a good vice-presidential candidate in Sarah Palin's move toward the presidency. Our own ethics campaign seems lost in the morass of Federal and state proposed ethics bills being considered on the hill. Looking at clouds promising rain seems to promise more benefit to this area than any political moves by either party. Look over travel pics and family is uplifting and presence of daughter is a boon to one's sanity and peace of mind.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursdays in February

Here I sit wordless when I am so full of it. Walked the path thru the cactus and sage borders. Fritz pulling, sniffing and peeing on the coyote trails. Minor clouds under blue sky with a slight breeze. Beauty unsurpassed yet matched in many places in the world. But my paradise for the moment, shared with my daughter and my dog. I am so very, very lucky today.