Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fabulous Fritz, The Desert Dog

He did it. Walked into the wading pool and scarfed up all the treats waiting in a bowl. Learning is an expensive proposition for the mini-schnauzer. His dog doors are working but he now knows we will help, even pay for him to go in and out. Schmart Schnauzer this pup. At the rate he is gaining treats and knowledge we could send him to college.

Spent all morning downloading 845 picts from the Rhine, Moselle River and Luzerne Switzerland region. We did the same thing at Cosco yesterday but they confused our disc with someone elses which we did not learn until we got home. So I have to go back to my tacky techy skills. I love Apple Steve Jobs, but I have an aging forgetful brain. If I get better at this I may share some of our photos. I will do a slideshow for DVD copies and get a few pics on my blog. Maybe. The ravishing Rachel is so talented at that. Lovely Lisa too, but she is involved with another project just now. They make me feel so lazy.
They are producing the fourth generation of smart kids besides other spectaculor and amazing accomplishments. In old age, you don't rest on your own laurels so to speak, you just bask in your grandkids. Of course I take first credit for their Mom. She is a top notch attorney, mom and grandmother, a marvelous cook, a creative program developer and an awsome gardner, besides being a caring, supportive daughter.

So many things to be grateful for. Ed, of course caps it all. Busily checking the drip system, the budget and bills, the social schedule:golf, bridge etc. and etc. Our days are fun and full.


  1. gram! what a wonderful, happy post!!! can't wait to see a few pics from your travels. it is so super easy i know you'll be able to upload. And...the hat. the striped one is far too small and sits on top of his head sorta like a top hat. so, luckily we have Jude coming. he'll get some good use out of it being a summer baby. the other sun hat is perfect and we've already used it twice at the pool. getting him to keep it on is tricky, but if i distract him he'll forget about it and it works!

  2. Yes, pictures would be so fun to see--of your trip and Fritzy in his little pool!
