Monday, June 14, 2010

All For the Birds

We just got our warning butterflies on the window facing North today. Exactly one day short and too late for the mourning dove that crashed and died yesterday. It happens every summer because the birds get flying and just don't know it is a window. It really makes us sad. Usually those mourning doves fly in a swift flock south toward the Santa Clara river. This one must have been trying to catch up.

Following our return and on warm days Fritz has been enjoying a sunbath on the back patio. I had noticed that one or two large birds were circling now and then. As one got closer I could see the white feather tips and realized it was an Eagle. Fritz at less than l2 pounds could be a promising tid bit, so I ran him into the house. I also have been maintaining a closer watch on his ins and outs because he has these two doggie doors now. Anyway seems one of my neighbors had sighted an eagle nest and two adult eagles flying back and forth, apparantly feeding young. Well more recently a young eaglet was rescued off the highway below us after a raven was harassing it. Wild life rescue came and got him. They said the young birds sometime get overly tired learning to fly and just set down. I will try to attach pictures.

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