Thursday, September 16, 2010

May to September.

Much time spent in cooler climes. Playing catch up in garden needs, bird feeding, golfing and bridge buddies to update and schedule playtimes. Birthdays and anniversaries speeding by too fast and the body is moving slower. Taking advantage of grandson's special knowledge of Apple for the 21st century and newer mortgage rates. Are we busy or what? Books and more books to read. Gravitating toward historical novels and tales which cover historic periods.. Cruisin and traveling not lite but heavier thanks to all the gourmet meals. Shopping and fixin whatnots and flower pots and promising sales. So much to do and so little time. Reviewing facebook and granddaughters blogs to get up to date on the latest. And then there are always the newest magazines with the newest styles, ideas and current news. My goodness! Got to plan Fritz's 2nd birthday with a dog costume party on Halloween, his birthday. Next Thanksgiving and then Christmas and a lot of family birthdays in between. Help Ava! There is just too much to do!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Golfing in the Cool

Yes it is that time when I need to work on my game to see if I can improve. I join the ladies tomorrow at 11:00 or thereabouts. This mountain course is so beautiful with surrounding pines, ponds and stunning homes. One of the most beautiful courses I have ever played. You could say it is not difficult until you end up putting. I swear I haven't had one good putt yet ! One has to remember the ultimate goal is improvement. That thought is one of the motivations. And then you can meet the most interesting people who also can think of nothing more fun to do than to hit and chase the little white ball.

And what else do we do......let's see, play bridge. Usually low hands and low scores but today the small slam made and bid was memorable. Ed was not my partner, of course. Something about our Karma means our hands never never fit. I get high he gets low or vice a versus. Then the other thing we do is to not communicate. Generally it may be a good idea if couples do not play as a team. No matter what, you still have to go home together and reprocessing bids and miscommunication doesn't add up to a good evening.

Visited a restaurant tonight with family that has been in this area since 1976. No disappointment there. I can never remember, even in years past of ever having a bad meal. This evening was no exception. Wonderful food, good waiter, good company=an outstanding time for all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monsoon Months

Yesterday the afternoon rains made everyone run for cover. Ed didn't get to finish the 9th hole. The puddles don't last long in the summer heat, so it is a refreshing break. I have four good friends from southern Utah in town so we have been bridging and dining out. Such a fun summer. I didn't play golf today. A little achy this morning but maybe Ed will take me this afternoon. If the rain doesn't come.

Need to get some new books. Recent picks have been big let down drivels. Yuck! Well I do have a Faulkner classic SANCTUARY. Possible I have read it before but a good reread is better than shmuck. Bridge tonight with buddies.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

60's remembered

We were so lucky to get tickets to see the Hair production at the Egyptian Theatre in Park City. We had not seen it before although we were acquainted with the music. Such a turmoil those days, drugs, the Viet Nam war, the draft. Sexual revolution of sorts and the beginning of so much open communication in Theatre and writing. I wonder where all the hippies went. It is a remarkable time in our history which the musical deftly presents. Hair was such a symbol of rebellion against the status quo. Shocking for men to have long curls and pony tails. I loved it. A fun evening of memories of those days. Great production and performers. Bravo Egyptian!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Park In the Mountain Cool

We are keeping sooo busy. Joined the local bridge group at the Senior Center and the local women's golf league which is great fun.
Many occasions to eat and visit with friends and family. Keeping up on the news both locally and international. Reading POLAND BY MICHENER. He was born in Poland and has provided a historically based novel. Not easy reading but so much information about Europe and the turmoil over the centuries to maintain borders, independence and life. Although it makes our quibbles seem rather trivial the participants are much similar to today's struggles. I would like to visit Poland which must be a beautiful country. We have been to countries which surround their borders but I never realized how much these borders have changed.

I suppose I am most impressed by the people and their love of country. Everyone wants their own space and right to a good life. this novel is rather lengthy and having completed the read I would like to keep it. Our country is so young in comparison. Perhaps we will have an opportunity to visit Poland. Maybe it will go on my bucket list. So many places to see, just limits of time and money which become more real every day. Love being home though with grandkids & babes and bros and sis. Nothing quite like family and friends you have known all your life. And Fritz and his doggy cousins seem to love the time to play.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Park City Pleasure

Early morning and the sun is just beginning to light up the pine trees. Cool 4th of July for the Furias and Fritz. Early walks on mountain trails mark the beginnings of our days, A few blasts of firecrackers broke the calm of the 3rd night but we were tucked in. Fritz gave a snort or two but overall I think we are a laid back group for this holiday.

Checking in with blogs my day begins reviewing glorious shots of new babies. These are the products of my beautiful, smart babes--my granddaughters who are producing the best and the finest of the next generation. We experienced a barbecue to end all barbecues this week. Three little boys in place and one charming young lady trying to help tend them all.
Our family gatherings are growing and the Grandmom is somehow managing to bring them all in closer and warmer. It would be too much except that the kisses and hugs are sweet and one cannot get enough of that in a lifetime.

Then too, there are my own brothers, sister and friends. All doing well tending to business, families and aging concerns. We have so much to get caught up on and an entire summer in which to enjoy and love their company. I am so lucky!